Whether you are dealing with a clogged sink, blade issue, or having trouble getting power to your garbage disposal, your local NexGen plumbing specialist can fix just about anything. Sometimes garbage disposals can have an obvious issue or they may not work as efficiently. It’s often hard to know why they suddenly stop working. Whatever the issue is, we can troubleshoot it and deal with the root cause. Garbage disposal problems often seem small at first but grow into bigger issues when left alone. No matter the manufacturer or disposal type, NexGen has the correct tools and parts to get the job done in a speedy manner. We understand the stress such a problem can cause. Our specialists therefore do their best to solve the issue quickly, while keeping you, the customer happy, if your garbage disposal:
Your garbage disposal can get clogged even if you take good care of it. Oftentimes a buildup of grease, fat, and fibrous materials from vegetable peels can clog the unit up over time. Some items are just harder on the motor. These will immediately cause the motor to jam, but you can avoid serious damage by turning the garbage disposal off when you realize it is jammed. Hard food matter is more demanding on the system, so it may be best to throw it away rather than risk harming the disposal system. A clog may also be caused by a lack of water. Run the faucet while the device is grinding; otherwise waste may build up until it fully blocks the pipes. If your garbage disposal gets clogged, the problem may very well be with the drain line or drain trap assembly underneath, causing water to back up into the sink. Ground up objects can also bind to the impeller blades inside the disposal casing. If this is the case, don’t try to free the blades unless power to the unit is turned off; better yet, call a professional plumber to handle the problem.
Sometimes an issue can arise because food that’s too large is washed down the sink. To avoid problems, use a strainer while cleaning dishes. It can decrease the amount of work your garbage disposal will have to do. But if it is too late, there may be a quick solution to your issue. Sometimes a quick cleaning or reset will fix the problem! First, make sure to unplug your garbage disposal (the plug is usually located underneath the sink). Then stick your hand down the sink drain. Be aware it may stink and check any food, silverware, or broken dishes inside; broken glass or ceramic can easily jam the blades. Once everything seems clear, plug the garbage disposal back in and try to see if it works again. If so, then BAM! That easy! If not, keep reading… The next step is to reset the system. Under your sink, your garbage disposal will look like a cylinder. Underneath it, you’ll find a button to press. Make sure to hold this button for a few seconds then let go, and your garbage disposal should be reset. Many issues can be fixed this way. If this still doesn’t resolve the problem, then it may be time to reach out to your local NexGen plumbing specialist and have them look at the problem.
The best way to keep your garbage disposal working is to prevent problems from happening. In most cases, you can avoid a jam or clog. It all comes down to what you put down the garbage disposal. These tips provide a breakdown of items that are safe to put down and those you should avoid.
NexGen, we pride ourselves in our ability to fix your problem the first time and prevent any other issues from happening later. If you are experiencing any trouble with your garbage disposal, please try the above steps. Also, avoid putting down the items we have listed. But when garbage disposal problems occur, feel free to reach out to our repair specialists. At NexGen, we provide quality service for a reasonable price, including a quick diagnosis and fast and effective repairs that leave your garbage disposal running properly, efficiently, and safely. Call us at
(833) 729-9735 or
book an appointment on the web to get started.